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Friday, 5 April 2013

Tour at 13:00: Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out from Reykjavík and headed straight to where we had seen the humpback whale this morning. We came in to a big flock of birds and then we saw a humpback whale. We sailed towards it and saw that these were actually two whales. We watched them for an hour and they surfaced right next to the boat a few times, once just around 1 meter from the boat! They also brought up their fluke and were so much fun to watch. An amazing tour to say the least.


Tour at 9:00: Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed out from Reykjavík in such good weather. First we spotted a pod of White-beaked dolphins, probably between 6-8 animals. One of them was jumping a lot and another was slapping its tail on the surface. We stayed with them for a short while and then headed out to try and find something more. We caught a glimpse of some Harbour porpoises but they were very elusive. While we were heading back we heard of a humpback whale on the way so we stopped to try and see it. We saw it surface a few times but time was running away from us so we had to leave it and head back. A lot of animals in the bay today as well as a lot of seabirds.

Birds seen on todays tour include: Kittiwakes, Black-backed gulls, fulmars, glaucous gull, cormorant and Eider ducks.