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Sunday, 7 April 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We went to the same area where we spotted the humpback whale this morning. We went really far out this time. We saw few flocks of feeding seabirds but no luck there. It was very disappointing tour where the whales did not show themselves, but that isthe wild nature. We offered our passengers a complimentary ticket and we hope for better luck tomorrow.


Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We headed out in a nice weather this Sunday morning with our hopes high due to last days out on the bay. When we got a bit further out it became little bit windy but we didn't letthe wind stop us. We saw few harbour porpoises around but they swam away every time we got closer to them. After a long time we spotted a humpback whale! This one was taking very long deeper dives and not showing itself a lot but finally it came quite close to the boat allowing all of us to see it very clearly. We were running out of time so we had to turned back home to Reykjavík after a long tour with porpoises and a humpback whale.