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Monday, 15 April 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed once again in lovel blue skies but rough seas. We stayed close to the coast showing the islands we have near to the capital then past Mt. Esja, Hvalfjöurður, Akrafjall and Akranes. We then turned and headed with the swell to our good whale watching areas. It took us a long time to see our first whale which was spotted by our Captain Nonny. A Minke Whale that was seen maybe once by the passengers. It was only the blow that we saw after that maybe 5-6 times but the minke itself was aways hiden by the waves. We were hoping to get closer but it wasn´t found again. We sailed further towards Reykjanes Peninsula until another blow of a whale was spotted back towards Mt. Esja which was seen maybe once but again hard to show the passengers. We musdt have seen maybe 2-3 Minke Whales but all very difficult and most passengers didn´t see. So a bit of an adventurous tour which was fun for some not so much fun for others. Lets hope weather and whales gets better soon.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan. We sailed put from Reykjavik Harbour with chilly North Westerly winds which where stronger out in the bay. The sea was flat calm in the harbour, sheltered by the mountains. We sailed out to our favourite areas but unfortunately had no luck with the Minkes this morning. We did however get to see alot of birds. Complimentary tickets given so that passengers can come back again to try their luck a second time.

Bird´s seen on today´s tours include; Guillemots, Razorbills, Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Black-backed Gulls and Glaucous Gulls.