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Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan. The weather had turned a bit for the worst as it started to rain and later became snow which was a big surprise to us all that thought spring had arrived. We headed to the same area as the morning tour and again was not disappointed. We saw 2-3 Minke Whales in total which were obviously enjoying the rough seas by surfing in the swells. The Harbour Porpoises were incredible too, never seen so many in one pod surfacing together. There must have been at least 20-30 individuals porpoising together. 50+ Harbour Porpoises throughout the tour. The birds were also great to watch as 10´s of Gannets plunged into the water just meters from our position. The sea´s were rough today but great wildlife.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan. The weather was lovely, strong winds but blue skies and a shining sun. We sailed to the same area as yesterday and was very happy to see that the whales were still around. We must have seen 4-5 different Minke Whales in this tour and one surfaced jsut 10 meters from our boat. It was amazing to see them surfing the swells too. The Gannets were also plunging into the water and we even got to see two Puffins on the way out. Great morning tour.

Pictures of the Minke Whale were taken by one of our passengers, Jofield from England.