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Saturday, 20 April 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the afternoon, we started from Hafnafjörður, where we had ended our morning tour. We were very surprised and happy how fast the weather had changed from wind and snow to relatively calm sea and sunshine and we were very optimistic to have more luck than during this first tour of the day. A couple of crew members shortly spotted the blow and back of a Minke Whale, but as in the morning, the animal seemed to be shy and elusive and we could not show it very well to our passengers.  What made our day was the Great Northern Diver, we met on our way back to Reykjavik. Sometimes it is all about finding beauty in the small things and evethough we did not see whales today and the weather was a bit rough again towards the end, the mood was good and everyone seemed to be optimistic to have better luck on one of our next tours using our complementary tickets.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In the morning we started from Reykjavik under relativeley rough weather conditions, but the majority of passengers seemed to enjoy the "rollercoster ride" as much as we did. Due to the strong waves we decided to head towards Hafnafjörður where conditions were better and we were hoping so spot some whales. However, they seemed to be a bit shy this morning and did not want to show up. But that's just nature and we have to accept that it is out of our control. Of course, everyone got complementary tickets for another one of our tours to hopefully have better luck next time.


Birds seen on today´s tours: Great Northern Diver, Gannets, Kittiwakes, Fulmars, Eider Ducks, Cormorants, Common Guillemot and Black-backed Gulls.

- Hendrik Schultz