
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Report from Eldey: Sunny sailing continues! Blue skies and snowy mountains surrounding us with a crispy winter's wind blowing as we headed out to Faxafloi this afternoon. We set the course towards the same area where we had seen a whale and a lot of bird activity this morning. There were still hundreds if not thousands of birds: northern fulmars, kittiwakes, black-headed gulls, cormorants feeding near the surface, diving and trying to catch fish. Clearly the area was full of fish making it very suitable for whales and dolphins as well. We kept searching and searching, very hopeful but couldn't believe the lack of cetaceans. On our way back to Reykjavik we spotted a couple of harbour porpoises pop up very briefly, being very elusive as they usually are. The presence of whales and dolphins is out of our control but what we can do is provide our passengers another chance to try to see cetaceans. Therefore we invited everyone on another whale watching tour with us for free within the next two years thanks to complimentary tickets given to everyone onboard.

 - Raul Zabala Belenguer


Report from Eldey: The sun strikes back in Faxafloi, and you gotta love it! A good morning sail into our favourite bay with a chilly wind blowing but as the hours went by the sun was taking over giving us a very comfortable tour. Flocks of birds that we spotted already from far were pointing us the direction where to go and after 1,5 hours into the tour our patience was rewarded. First we saw a blow and then a minke whale popped up by a flock of feeding birds! This whale was staying close to the surface a lot and even seemingly riding a wave or two. It was not going for deeper dives but let us observe it close-by. Under the shining sun the dark back of the whale was gracefully moving around and a couple of times we could even follow the dark shadow under the water surface. The whale was coming close enough to our vessel, showing us the beautiful streamlined figure that these whales have. What an exciting encounter with this whale in Faxafloi bay!

- Viivi Pöyhönen

Birds seen today include: cormorant, northern fulmar, black-headed gull, eider duck, black-legged kittiwake, herring gull 


We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today for the tours at 9:00 and 13:00. There is always some movement out on the bay, so if your are prone to sea sickness we have sea sickness tablets available at our ticket office. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.