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Wednesday, 24 June 2020


Report from Elding II: We could not have wished for a more wonderful tour! The weather was simply perfect, a proper summer morning with no wind and flat seas. The tour started on a high note with the early encounter of a pod of 6 to 8 white beaked dolphins in a very good mood. Soon after that we spotted a minke whale. Since the latter was not being easy to engage we decided to look for something else. And it was indeed a great decision. We soon reached an area packed with bird activity, where it seems like our cetaceans were popping up by request. Apart from being pretty much surrounded by overall 8 or 9 minke whales, our chins dropped when we encountered 3 humpback whales foraging in the same spot, together with a pod of white beaked dolphins. These incredible giants were just a few meters away from our vessel and we could even see another couple of them moving in the distance After such an eventful tour we had no choice but to extend the time of the ride. Nobody was the least bothered to arrive late at the harbour. Another ride to remember with Elding.

- Inês Cunha

Our Classic Whale Watching tour starting from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík is on for 10:00 this morning. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.