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Report from Elding II: Hard to decide which tour was better - this morning or this one. I would say both were special in their own way but on both a juvenile humpback was the show. After seeing an absolute feeding frenzy with hundreds of birds and 8 humpback whales all around us lunge feeding, we spotted a humpback close to Akraness that was slapping it's pectoral fins on the water over and over again. It took us a few minutes to reach it but even then it still conitnued for another long time, plenty of photo and video opportunities and even a great lot of time to simply enjoy. It turned out to be the same juvenile as in the morning, apparently still not tired. Just a typical youngster. As this morning, we ended the tour having seen at least 12 humpback whales, 6 minke whales and 3 pods of harbour porpoises.

- Sabrina Voswinkel


Report from Elding II: It just couldn't be better - sunshine, some puffy clouds in a blue sky and no wind, paired with about 12 humpback whales, 4 minke whales and a pod of 4 harbour porpoises. We did not need to go far to see the splashes caused by a juvenile humpback whale that was tailslapping. It was so full of energ and just loving our attention so much, that it continued doing so for a good 20 minutes. Just phenomenal. But as we abide by the code of conduct, we left it after about half an hour and continued to head northwards, only to find an area with another 4 humpbacks and 3 minkes in close proximity, all feeding on the large quantity of fish that are in the water these days. Sailing back to Reykjavík we saw plenty more blows but had we stopped for them all, we would still be on the water.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today's tour include: common guillemot, brunichs guillemot, atlantic puffin, storm petrel, northern gannet, kittiwake, black-backed gull, arctic tern, black-headed gull, shag, arctic skua, northern fulmar.


Our Classic Whale Watching tour starting from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík is on at 9:00 this morning and at 13:00 in the afternoon. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.