
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!





Report from Eldey: Sailing out with even more sunshine was just wonderful. The sea was still rather rough on our way out, sailing into the waves, but for most of us that is the fun kind of movement we enjoy from the ocean. It was about an hour of sailing when we heard of a humpback whale having been sighted! Of course we did not need to think twice but aimed to where it had last been seen and kept our eyes open to spot it’s blow. As we approached the area, we followed the whale as it was traveling rather fast and got to see it lifting the beautiful fluke (tail) as it went for a dive. We saw 4 sequences of it surfacing and close to the boat but as it’s behaviour was hard to understand we left it for another large blow we spotted not far away. On the way there, a small minke whale surfaced literally next to us, what a great surprise. More and more birds appeared around us and then another minke, and another and even more. By the end of what was maybe half an hour we had seen likely 7 different minke whales. To finish the tour with a cherry on top, we sailed back to see the humpback whale once more. After a quiet morning tour it was just fantastic how things just got better and better this afternoon.

- Megan Whittaker


Report from Eldey: Second day in a few weeks now that the heavens opened up and we got lovely sunshine and warmth. The sea were however still quite choppy which cause a few green faces during the tour but most enjoyed the movement and the guide provided some help tips to reduce the unpleasant feeling for others. The bird life was abundant, gannets still plunging into ocean, fulmars whizzing by the boat and puffins busy paddling on the surface but this morning we were unfortunately unsuccessful with our ocean mammalian friends, the whale and dolphins. Luck was not on our side so we offered our patient passengers complimentary tickets to join us again for free anytime in the next two years both in Reykjavik or Akureyri.

- Sabrina Voswinkel

Birds seen on today’s tours include: atlantic puffins, manx shearwater, common guillemot and chicks, arctic skua, great skua, northern gannet, kittiwake, black-backed gull, northern fulmar, eider duck.

We are sailing from the Old Harbour in Reykjavík today for the tour at 9:00. There could be some movement out on the bay today, so if your are prone to sea sickness we have sea sickness tablets available at our ticket office. Make sure to dress warmly and make use of our warm overalls as it is always colder on sea than on land. For more information contact us by email or by phone +354 519 5000.

At this time we have to ask that all our guests and staff ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser on a regular basis is advised, as well as wearing a face mask when keeping a 2 metre distance from others is not possible. Masks are available for purchase in our ticket office and hand sanitiser stations are located in high traffic areas.