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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We went out with high hopes of seeing some dolphins because of the tour at 9 am and after sailing for about 15 minutes we sure did see some, the biggest of the dolphins, The Killer whale! They were so beautiful, probobly more than 30 animals and you could see all the baby orcas with their mothers and then the males swimming around. What an amazing sight, we even saw one of them breaching ( jumping ) two times! We watched them for over a hour, taking great photos, enjoying the sight and listening to the blows. than we sailed on and tried to find something else, we sailed around for some time but only found more Orcas, whitch was of course great. This tour was amazing, so wonderful to see the Orcas, and so many together!

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: we sailed out in a beautiful and still weather this morning, we sailed around Faxaflói bay for almost 1,5 hours with out seeing anything accept from alot of birds, whitch probobly ment that we had alot of fish in the bay. Then we saw splashes, they were moving really fast and we saw that those were the Harbour Porpoises, but unfortunatly we lost sight of them. We sailed further and we were starting to lose hope but than we saw more splashes, and these were from the White-beaked dolphins, first we saw about 3 pods, but looking further the ocean was crowded with them, there must have been over 100 dolphins there , it was amazing! they were swimming so close to the boat, we could see then under the surface riding the waves, so gorgeous! also they were breaching and you could see the splashes from that hundreds of meters of way! What an amazing sight and a great tour Birds seen todays tours include: Fulmars, Black-headed Gull, Long-tailed Duck, Razorbills and Eider ducks

- Freydís Ósk Hjörvarsdóttir