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Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We left  today from Hafnafjörður in relatively calm weather but overcast. It was a slow start to the tour as we sailed for nearly an hour not even a bird flew past. The bay looked empty but then suddenly the boat slowed down and turned as our lovely First Mate Njall spotted a blow. It took a bit of patience as we waited for the whale to resurface but when it did we saw that it was a Humpback Whale. This humpback was a little bit difficult as it wouldn´t let us get too close so we held back some more and then It seemed to get used to our presence, it surfaced many times and once even the magnificient tail came up above the water. It was wonderful. It was really interesting too that we didn´t see many birds but as soon as we saw the humpback many species (listed below) started to fly past.

Birds seen on today´s tour included; Gannets, Eider Ducks, Red Breasted Mergansers, Guillemots, Razorbills, Little Auks, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Gloucous Gulls, Shags and Cormorants.