
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


SUNDAY, 16 MAY 2021


Report from Þruma RIB: We begun the day in this sunny morning heading towards Engey to try to spot the adorable atlantic puffin. We could see many in the water. The wind was not strong but cold, specially in front of the Whale Fjord. The sea was a bit more bouncy than yesterday, but nothing unpleasant. We were going to the north when a flock of birds a bit further captured our attention. A few seconds later we saw in that same direction a blow, probably from a humpback whale. The time to arrive, the whale was not there anymore. Only ten minutes later we crossed the path of a minke whale. This sighting was followed by 2 others, all with minke whales, in the same area. Another enjoyable morning in Faxaflói bay.

- Miquel Pons


Report From Elding: Another great tour this afternoon. The wind had picked up a little from the northwest, up to about 10-12m/s making it a little chillier than yesterday's tour but we have warm overalls, heated saloon and hot drinks to keep us comfortable. We sailed to the same area as the day before and once again came across 3 humpback whales that were a couple of miles between each other. One of them was calling out to us to come over by pectoral flipper slapping, raising its beautiful side fins and slapping them against the surface. It was just amazing to watch. A nice diversity of seabirds also to keep us entertained between whale encounters.

- Megan Whittaker


Bird Species ID´d today: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Common Guillemot, Arctic tern, Arctic skua, Northern Fulmar, Kittiwake, Eider Duck, Seagulls, Manx Shearwaters.


Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Elding for our 1pm Classic Whale Watching and our 12 seater RIB Þrauma for our 10am Premium tour . Make sure to dress appropriately for the tour as it is always colder on sea than on land. Join us by booking online or contact us directly for more information ( / +354 519 5000).

We of course ask that all our guests and staff ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser on a regular basis is advised, as well as wearing a face mask when keeping a 2 metre distance from others is not possible. Masks are available for purchase in our ticket office and hand sanitiser stations are located in high traffic areas.