
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!




Report From Elding: The ocean was very deceiving today, we sailed out with the wind and waves on our back and the sun on our face, made for a very comfortable sailing. On the way home however, the wind was cold and strong and there were a couple of splashes over the bow, brrr. We sailed past the puffin colonies and saw many flying backwards to forwards to the feeding grounds. It was nice to see so many flocks of actively feeding birds and thus a productive area of seabird and whale food, also known as fish. We were so optimistic for the whales because of this and we sailed to areas they were last seen. Unfortunately, there were no sightings, they were very sneaky today and didn't even give us a glimpse. We offered our passengers complimentary tickets to try again either in Reykjavik or Akureyri anytime in next few years. We hope that next time the whales are more in the mood for people watching. 

- Megan Whittaker

Bird Species ID´d today: Northern Gannet, Atlantic Puffin, Common Guillemot, Arctic tern, Arctic skua, Northern Fulmar, Kittiwake, Eider Duck, Seagulls.



Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Elding I. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tour as it is always colder on sea than on land. Join us by booking online or contact us directly for more information ( / +354 519 5000).

We of course ask that all our guests and staff ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser on a regular basis is advised, as well as wearing a face mask when keeping a 2 metre distance from others is not possible. Masks are available for purchase in our ticket office and hand sanitiser stations are located in high traffic areas.