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Monday, 11 February 2013

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out of Reykjavík Harbour on a beautiful day. Sun was shining, sea conditions were great and the snow-capped mountains showed every detail. After about 10 minutes of sailing a passenger came to me the guide and said he thought he saw something about 1km away at 7 o´clock (behind the vessel) so we headed that way to check it out and what did we find.....ORCA (Killer Whales)!, First we saw a big male with his hugh black trianglar dorsal fin. then another surfaced and then another. By the end we must of seen at least 5-7 Individuals and maybe more in the distance. From large males to a very small juvenile which only looked a couple of weeks old. We followed them a long way and they seemed as curious about us as we were of them, coming up close sometimes just meters away. In the end they were getting a bit bored of us and just carried on their merry way so we left them in peace and headed home. One of those you should of been there kinda days. Lets hope they stick around.

Birds seen on todays tour included: Fulmars, Gloucous Gulls, Razorbills, Cormorants and Eider Ducks.


Please stay posted for pictures and video.