Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Today we will be operating on our lovely vessel Eldey for the 09:00 and 13:00 Classic Whale Watching tours. Make sure to dress appropriately for the tours as it is always colder on sea than on land.


COVID-19: Keep in mind that passengers and crew are asked to ensure their own hygiene and safety at all times. Washing hands thoroughly with soap and using a hand sanitiser is advised. Masks are not mandatory but are recommended in areas where keeping distance from others is not possible.

The seas may be rough, so as always, we have sea sickness tablets available free of charge at our ticket office.

Join us by booking online or contact us directly for more information ( / +354 519 5000). 


Report from Eldey: It was another chilly November morning with about 10-12m/s winds from the NE and maybe 0.5-1m swell. Even though it was very cold all the passengers were outside to enjoy the incredible tour with our trio humpback whales and a very playful pod of at least 5 white-beaked dolphins. They were playing with each other for a long time, the humpbacks were rolling around, showing their flukes and pectoral fins above the surface and the dolphins just jumping all around them. The humpbacks also enjoyed our company and constantly headed towards us and surfacing just meters from the boat. So looked like they were socialising with us also. Soon the dolphins left but the humpback stuck around and soon started to feed. Diving for longer and deeper.

- Megan Whittaker


Report from Eldey: The weather had turned for this afternoon and it was windier and rockier out on the bay. It was so cold that most of our passengers enjoyed the  warmth of our heated saloons especially on the way home. They braved the cold though to see the amazing humpback whales, again the 3 individuals that we have been encountering a lot the last weeks. They once again gave us a wonderful tour with close observations (they approaching us) and even some flukes. They were going for longer dives than the morning tour, first 7 minutes then 4 minutes but only travelling 1-2 km/hr, very slowly. One even did a big tail lob but it looked to be a way of communicating something to one of the other whales rather than us. After about 40 minutes we left and went more south to search for other life but there nothing else to see. It was a wonderful tour but very very very cold. Iceland in November.

- Megan Whittaker