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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in a beautiful weather, very calm sea and sunny sky above us. We sailed to the area were we usually start looking around and after a short while we spotted a Minke Whale! This turned out to be a very good Minke spotting place and in total we saw at least three different Minkes there! Two of them we saw surface often and they came close to us. While we watched them we also spotted pod with 4-6 HarbourPorpoises, these Porpoises came up close to the boat and held us company while we waited for the Minke to come up from the deeper dives. The weather on the tour was just perfect autumn weather, there was a lots of seabirds out on the bay today, so all in all this was a very good tour!