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Friday, 26 October 2012

Tour at 13:00 Report from Elding: When we sailed out this afternoon it was snowing a little and the wind had picked up a little bit. Non the less the weather was fine for this time of the year here in Iceland and the sea conditions stayed fine trough out the tour. We had high hopes on this tour since our morning tour had been so good. And like this morning we only had to sail for a short while before the Harbour Porpoises started to show them self, countless times on this tour the Porpoises came up very close to the boat so we got a very good look at this usually shy specie on the tour. While slowing down to look at the Porpoises we spotted a Minke Whale in the distance so we went on to see if we could get a better look at it. It turned out to be a bit elusive Minke, surfaced only few times before we lost sight of it. There was no need to worry, we found two other Minke whales in that area! These Minkes were though a little tricky as well and hard to follow. But there was never a dull moment on this tour because while we waited for the Minkes we saw White Beaked Dolphins (4-7 animals). These were very fun loving dolphins jumping time after time out of the water and swimming right up to the boat. In the end it was time for us to head back but on our way back we spotted the fourth Minke of the tour that came up only meters from the boat! In came so close to us that we could clearly see the white bands on the pectoral flippers! After this very nice encounter we headed sailed back with the beautiful view over the mountains nearby, starting to turn little gray at the tops from the first snowfalls of this winter.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Elding: We went out in this bit chilly but beautiful weather with the pink morning sky above us, no wind and calm sea. We did not have to sail for long before we started seeing Harbour Porpoises surfacing, this was like last few days, Porpoises coming up to surprise us throughout the tour. After sailing on for a little while we spotted jumping White Beaked Dolphins (4-7 animals)  in a little distance, we got to see these playful animals come up few times and even jumping and swimming under the boat. While watching the dolphins we spotted a Minke Whale in the distance. We sailed on to get closer to the Minke and saw it come up to the surface often and even rolling in the surface so we could see the fluke! Seeing the fluke of the Minke is definitely something that we do not see every day on our tours! After this fun encounter we were happy to head back to Reykjavík.

Birds seen on todays tours: Northern Gannets, Kittiwakes, Shags, Cormorant, Glaucous Gull, Iceland Gull, Fullmars, Razorbills, Guillemots and more.