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Wednsday, 31 October 2012

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafsúlan: Since we saw two Humpbacks and big pod of White Beaked Dolphins we were very excited to head out again this afternoon. We only made it few hundred meters out of the harbour when we started to see the blows from the two Humpback Whales that we saw on the morning tour! So of course we headed straight there to watch these magnificent animals. We spent a very good time with these Humpbacks, got to seethem lift their flukes and even one time we got to see a pectoral flipper when the whale was rolling in the surface! While we were watching the Humpback Whales we got another surprise, just next to us a big pod of White Beaked Dolphins surfaced! These were about 15-20 individuals, they came very close to us so we could clearly see them swimming under the surface. While watching these dolphins the third Humpback Whale surfaced in front of us and showed us its fluke! On this tour it did not feel like we were finding whales, it felt more like the whales were finding us! After getting to see three Humpback Whales and a pod of curious White Beaked Dolphins we were happy to head back to the harbour in Grindarvík in this chilly afternoon.

Tour at 10:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out again from Grindavík this morning, since the sea condition where better on that side of Reykjanes peninsula. Our hopes were high for this tour like they always are when we go from Grindavík. So out we went, all very well dress up in the overalls that Elding Whale Watching provides for guests so there was no need to feel cold despite the chilly wind! We only searched for a little while when we started to see big splashes over and over again in the distance. These turned out to be very, very playful White Beaked Dolphins, at least 20-30 individuals or more. We saw them jumping completely out of the water straight in front of us very often, even sometimes many at once. Often they surprised us by coming very close to the boat, swimming under us or surfacing just meters from the boat! After spending a long and eventful time with the dolphins we decided to search other areas. After only few minutes we saw two big blows just in front of the boat! These turned out to be two big and beautiful Humpback Whales! We got to see these Humpbacks very well, they came slowly to the surface and few times we got to see the fluke as well. These Humpbacks were very synchronized in their surfacing, often coming up at the exactly same moment! After this wonderful encounter we were happy to sail back the short distance back to the harbour in Grindavík.