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Friday, 7 September 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsulan: We sailed out once again with a bit of a swell but felt less compared to the last tour but the wind did pick up a bit throughout the tour. The sun was out and as the sun lowed in the sky it lit everything up, the mountains, birds, Reykjavik and even a Minke Whale that we saw at the end. It was a brief encounter but it was lovely surfacing just 10 meters infront of our boat. There was also an area with loads of Harbour Porpoises, must of been 20+ but they were busy chasing fish so all we really got to see of them where splashes but really nice nonetheless. Perfect evening to be out at sea.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsulan: We were finally back out at sea. The swells made the tour alot of fun for most but a little too much for the stomachs of others. Still most soon forgot about the seasickness and concentrated on the lovely Minke Whale that we encountered quite early on in the tour. Surfacing many times couple of times close to the boat. It started to get a bit difficult to follow maybe too busy feeding or becoming elusive either way we decided to leave him/her to carry on as we searched the rest of the bay for other individuals or species. It is always good to check as you never know what else is out there but unfortunately nothing else was, on this occasion.

Birds seen on todays tours include; Cormorants, Gannets, Fulmars, Seagulls, Eider Ducks and migrating geese flying in their v formation over head in the low sun.

Tour at 09:00

Tour was unfortunately cancelled this morning due to unfavourable sea conditions out in the bay.