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Saturday, 8 September 2012

Tour at 17:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out on a beautiful evening with the sun lower in the sky it lit everything up. the wind had calmed down too than the previous tours. We sailed very very far out in the hope of spotting some humpbacks as myself and the captain had a feeling that tonights the night but unfortunately still no humpbacks in the bay that we know off so we sailed back around the areas of where we saw Minke Whales over the last couple of days and again we were these areas were successful. We saw two Minke Whales during this tour one surfacing very close to the boat which was lovely. Gannets and Fulmars were also flying around and plunging into the ocean. Just incredible to watch.

Tour at 13:00 Report from Hafúlan: we sailed further south on this tour as the previous tour was unsuccessful of seeing the Minke Whales and as the dolphins were fasting swimming away we knew they still wouldn´t be around so off we went. We were glad we went south because we found a lovely Minke Whale that surfaced many times but then went for a deep dive and unfortunately wasn´t found again. Those sneaky minkes.

Tour at 09:00 Report from Hafsúlan: The morning tour started of a bit rocky as it was a little windy but still very nice to be out at sea. We unfortunately didn´t see any minke whales this morning but we found incredible White-beaked Dolphins seemed to be two small pods that came together at the end. Must of been at least 15 individuals leaping out of the water. It was amazing. This combined with the wintery crisp air and sun shine. Couldn´t of been better.