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Monday, 17 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out with high expectations of finding the Fin Whales again but unfortunately they were not found. We searched everywhere we thought they may have headed to but no luck. We even sailed for a bit longer than usual because we just wanted to show the passangers something but there was nothing out there to be shown except the beautiful landscape which became even more stunning as the sun lowered in the sky giving this warm evening light. Wonderful scenery but no whales so we gave our passangers complimentary tickets to come again and hopefully see whales on their next whale adventure.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out from Grindavík with the crew very excited about what we might see especially as this time last year we were seeing blue whales. It was a beautiful morning with the sun shining but a bit windy. We sailed for about 20 minutes and saw a big blow. Then two big blows together, our hearts were racin yes there were two FIN WHALES (2nd largest whale in the world, after the blue whale, getting to about 28m long), whoo hoo. The captain was amazing as he matched the speed and direction of the whales and had them surfacing just 20-40 meters from us after a dive time of 5-10 minutes. It was perfect and then just as we were about to leave one of the fin whales rolled so that we could see the flipper and tail. Such an incredible morning.

Pictures and movie coming up so stay tuned.