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Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up a little bit since this morning but the weather was still very nice, the sun was shining and the sea pretty calm. We sailed out for quite a while before we saw our first cetaceans of the tour, they turned out to be a small pod of Harbour Porpoises. They were curious ones, coming closer then the Porpoises usually do so we got a very good look at them. After a while we sailed on to see what else there was in the bay today. After a bit of a look we spotted a Minke Whale, it was a tricky one, staying under for long and going far in the longer dives. But our excellent captein was very good at predicting where it might surface next time so our passengers got a good look at it. After spending a while with the Minke we decided to head on and we did not have to look for long before another Minke Whale popped up! We spent as long time as we could with this animal before it was time for us to head back to Reykjavík. On our way back we enjoyed the beautiful view over sunny Reykavík and the surroundings.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: conditions-wise it was a wonderful tour with mirror calm sea and perfect weather for whale-watching, even if it was a bit chilly. It wasn't too bad a tour for whales but the Minkes (2-3) did test our patience a bit this morning by spending long periods underwater in between some decent surfacing periods. Some Harbour Porpoises stole the show in between, especially (and this I call good timing) while we were waiting for the Minkes to come up again. There was virtually no fish seen on the fish-finder so the Minkes that were there, not very far off Reykjavik, were at least not feeding but just hanging out, enjoying the last weeks in the bay before they start heading down south towards the Equator.