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Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The swell was still there ut the wind had calmed down a lot. It rained more on this tour though which wasn´t nice. We got to see two Minke Whales on the 13:00 tour but one we saw many times and very close to the boat too. We also Harbour Porpoises, two small pods of maybe 3-5 individuals, one pod surfaced just a couple of meters from our boat and for a species that tends to be quite elusive it was very special. Once again we had many seabirds in the bay today, plunging gannets, gliding fulmars and lots of seagulls. Beautiful afternoon.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The westerly winds had caused a bit of a swell in the bay today but other than that it was beautiful. Rain showers now and again but if you didn´t have the rain you wouldn´t have these moody skies and rainbows that were very photogenic especially with the many seabirds like Gannets and Fulmars that flew past. We go to see two species of cetacean on this tour one White-beaked Dolphin which only a few passangers saw and a couple of Minke Whales. We must of seen at least four different Minke Whales on this tour but only got a good look at 2 of them otherwise it was mainly splashes and blows which was still nice to see. The light was perfect too as we could see the blows (exhaled breath) of whales more than a km away. Great morning out in the bay.