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Thursday, 27 September 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We knew that the wind would be picking up a bit in the bay so we wanted to take the chance of going from Grindavík where the sea would be less rough thanks to the sheltering of the land. Also on many occasions Grindavik has been very successful, we saw fin whales from here last time we went and at the beginning of October last year we saw Blue Whales so we had very high hopes. We searched and searched and searched but unfortunately no luck this time. We did see some Gannets and seagulls and the view of the landscape was stunning but no whales. Complimentary tickets were given and let hope the whales will show themselves soon.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in the bay in not the nicest of weathers. Rough seas and raining. We sailed to our usual whale watching area about 30-40 minutes sailing and found White-beaked Dolphins. A pod of maybe 10-15 individuals. They were great leaping out of the water. Then after about 20 minutes of watching these we saw another pod in the distance (maybe 5-10 dolphins) they were leaping and landing on their sides causing a big splash. A dolphin tour this one as there seemed to be dolphins everywhere. Great morning tour in rough seas.