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Friday, 03 August 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: The sky cleared up late afternoon but the wind picked up a little bit so the sea was a little bit choppy. We started the tour at Puffin Island and there was many birds around. Then we headed offshore to search for cetaceans. Unfortunately tonight we couldn't find any of them, everything can change really quickly in the nature, this is wildlife. We'll have better luck next time. We enjoyed the sail back with good live music.

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather had become a bit more rough towards the evening as we headed out and straight out to where we had become so lucky on the 9 and 13 tours. There were far less birds to begin with, which gave us a slight uneasy feeling, but eventually there was much more life in the shape of Gannets and Guillemots for instance. Eventually we came across a Minke Whale and it was just as relaxed as the ones had been on the earlier tours, just feeding and taking it easy. On one occasion we saw it even lunge feed! We saw the back and the snouth many times well and clear. An excellent tour!

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan In the afternoon we sailed straight out in the bay and started with the search. It did not take us a long time until we encountered a Pod of White Beaked Dolphins. It was great to spend time with those 4 to 5 individuals that surfaced many times. Just before we left them they suddenly surfaced very close to our boat as if they wanted to say goodbye. We headed on and came into an area with diving Gannets and two Minke Whales that showed up at the same time! One of them surfaced not more than 5 meter in front of us and we were able to see the whole body under the water. It was hard to leave but we had to turn back towards Reykjavík as time was running out. On the way back we saw three Minke Whales in another area surfacing but we could not stop for them as we wanted to watch the Puffins on Akurey before finally entering Reykjavíks older harbor.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We found on this trip three different Minke Whales, and they weren't the easiest. We saw them surfacing several times but not closer than 60 meters. The weather was a bit windy, clouds all over but nice atmosphere in the bay. There was a great battle in the air just next to the boat between an arctic skua and a kittiwake, and we saw the arctic skua stealing the fish from the kittiwake catching it in the air after being dropped off by the other bird. We finnished our tour with the island of Akurey where we saw thousands of puffins at the surface and flying around our boat. really great to see so many of them.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: what a wonderful morning for whale-watching. Puffin Island was all right and then we headed off into the bay. We saw 2 different Minke Whales and a third in a good distance but too far away to take the trouble to go all the way over there, especially since we had a nice one right by our side so to speak. Both the whales we followed seemed to be small ones but they were calm and easy going and did not mind our presence whatsoever. Indeed it was only because we were running out of time that we had to say goodbye to the latter one but it was great to see them so chilled. That's how we like our Minkes!

Tour at 9:00

Report from Elding II: We went first to the puffin island and saw many puffins. Then we saw in total 4-5 different minke whales and 2 big pods of harbour porpoises fast swimming and porpoising. The first minke was resting but the others we saw were busy chasing fish and we were surrounded by so many gannets and other birds. They were plunging in the water all around the boat, and that was a great show! we also had a good look of the minkies close to the boat.

Birds seen on today's tours : Northern Gannets, Manx Shearwaters, Arctic Terns, Arctic Skuas, Great Black Backed Gulls, Eider Ducks, Lesser Blacks Backed Gulls, Brunnich's Guillemots, Fulmars, Glaucous Gulls, Puffins, Kittiwakes