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Wednesday, 08 August 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: after the unsuccessful tour in the morning, we decided to try a different strategy and a different area. Instead of going out in the bay, we decided to sail not so far from land and along the Sudurnes Peninsula towards Garðskagi Peninsula. The little success we had on this trip came in the shape of a small pod of Harbour Porpoises (3-6) with at least one calf. They were not elusive and actually seemed to enjoy our company but then we lost them. No whales again and we ended up giving complimentary tickets on the second tour in a row. What a bad day for whales. But there is always another day! :)

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: we went out with a full boat and were hoping for a good tour. However, with the exception of a full and splendid Lundey Island (Puffin Island) and a resident Common Seal, which not everyone got to see though as it dived down very quickly after we arrived, there as not a single whale, dolphin or porpoise to be seen under the rainy, dark clouds out in Faxaflói Bay today. In the end we gave everyone a complimentary ticket that is valid for two years in the hope that they will join us in the future for another tour.

Report from Elding: We left Reykjavík older harbor this morning and sailed straight to Lundey. It was amazing to see all those Puffins flying around our vessel and the best was a Harbor Seal that surfaced close to our boat. After this promising start into the day we sailed out in the bay. Unfortunately we did not had the same luck during the tour and the seal was the only mammal we saw. Even we were searching in a great area we could not find any sign of a whale today, so we gave everyone on board a complimentary ticket to try to find the whales another day with us.