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Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Tour at 17:00 Report from Hafsúlan: We started our evening tour with the island Engey and after seeing the puffins we went into the bay. On our way out we found two harbour porpoises. They were not shy and surfaced several times close to the boat. We did not have to search long until we found our first minke whale. And this was definitely not the only whale in our bay. All in all we saw approximately 15 minke whales on our tour and this was simply amazing. They were all around the boat, we did not have to search at all and through the whole tour we enjoyed these whales. On the way back to the harbour we enjoyed the evening sun.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We decided to start at Lundey this time to see the Puffins, We saw one on the island itself but many sitting on the waters surface and flying around, getting ready to migrate back out to the open ocean. We then sailed offshore and found a lovely Minke Whale which we stayed with throughout the tour as we had it all to ourselves (no other boats around) and it seemed totally relaxed by our presence. We even got to see it rolling under the water about 10-20 meters from the boat and blowing bubbles under the water which is a techneque used for play and to scare the food to where the whale wants it. Great tour.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Our midday tour was a perfect Minke Whale tour. The weather still was very nice and the sea very calm. All in all we saw 3 minke whales on our tour and they surfaced sometimes a little bit farer and sometimes also closer to the boat. It seamed they were feeding because they changed direction very often and circled around in the bay. On the way back we stopped on the island Engey and had a look at the puffins.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: A very nice start to the morning with the weather as the sea was mirror calm and their were interesting cloud formations, threatening rain a little bit but luckily it stayed of us the whole tour. We began our adventure at Engey to see some Puffins and then headed further out in the bay. We must of see at least 3-4 Minke Whales on this tour and a quick glimpse of 2-3 Harbour Porpoises. The Minkes were ok, and came close on many occasion which was really nice.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was absolutely nice on our morning tour - it was warm with almost no wind and no rain. We stopped at the island Engey and saw many puffins. Then we went further in the bay and we were still very close to the harbour as we saw a group of harbour porpoises. Today they were not shy and we saw them for quite a while. We continued our journey and then we found a minke whale. This guy was absolutely amazing because it surfaced very often and we stayed with it almost for the whole tour. Sometimes it came very close to the boat and we could see the black back and the dorsal fin absolutely well. Because the sea was so calm we saw another minke whale a little bit more in the distance. On the way back to the harbour we found another minke whale and we also saw some more harbour porpoises. All in all it was a perfect start of the day.

Seabirds seen on todays tours include: Puffins, Guillemots, Eider Ducks, Gannets, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Black-backed Gulls and Arctic Terns.