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Thursday, 16 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The sea was rough and the weather very windy and we unfortunately didn't see any cetaceans on this tour but quite a lot of birds. Complimentary tickets were given to all passengers to try their chance another time.

Tour at 14:00

We started the tour with a stop at the new Puffin Island, Engey. There weren´t many puffins there so we went on the other side of the island where we saw quite a few. Then we sailed far out to Faxaflói and spotted around 3-4 minke whales throughout the whole tour. Most of them were shy and didn't come up many times but we still got a good luck on it. We then met 4 nice little harbor porpoises swimming close to the boat several times. On the way back to the harbor we visited the puffin island Engey again because many of our passengers wanted to see the puffins one more time.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: the Sea was a little rough because of the wind but the sun was shining. We went Engey island and to our great surprise, 10-20 meters from the the shore of Engey island, a harbour seal was swimming in the water! We saw the last puffins of the  summer and headed out in the bay! We found then a nice pod of Harbour Porpoises surfacing fast and leaping just in front of the boat and later on we followed a Minke Whale for a while and even saw quite a beautiful big blow from a distance certainly from a Minke Whale since it was not that big to be from another species.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: It was very misty today for the start of our tour but once we were out the sun cleared the mist and it was stunning. We saw two Minke Whales and many seabirds including puffins, gannets, fulmars, kittiwakes and black backed gulls. Great Minke Whales in beautiful weather, who could ask for more.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a little bit foggy as we sailed out today. We stopped at the island Engey had a look at the puffins and than sailed out in the bay. It took not long until we found our first minke whale. We followed this whale for a while and it surfaced often very close to the boat. After a while some other whalewatching boats came to this area and therefore we decided to go further on. It took only five minutes until we found our second minke whale. Also this whale was great to watch. On the way back to Reykjavík we saw a group of harbour porpoises and we were able to follow them for a while. All in all it was a great tour.