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Friday, 17 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: we went straight out to where our sistership Elding had seen a Minke Whale just before. It was not exactly there and it took us a little while to find a Minke Whale but in the end we found our first and spent the next hour or so following 1-3 individuals, which we saw very well and frequently on numerous occasions. They were calm and easy going and have probably become used to the same boats being in their presence. As long as they can see the difference between us and the whaling boats, that is only positive.

Tour at 14:00 Report from Elding: The wind had picked up a little bit since this morning but the weather was still beautiful and warm. We sailed straight out Faxaflói bay and after only a short sail we spotted a small pod of Harbour Porpoises they were though very elusive and so we sailed on after a little while. We did not have to go far before a Minke Whale was spotted. We spent a while with this Minke and saw it surface quite close to the boat so we could both see it well and smell it! After spending time with the Minke we sailed on to see what else the bay had to offer today and we got a very nice surprise when a passenger spotted a pod of White Beaked Dolphins! These were very playful and curious coming close to the boat to take a look at us and even swimming under the boat. This was a wonderful ending to a very nice tour.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsulan: We went far out and found a group of 5-6 great White Beaked Dolphins, but on the way out we also saw 2-3 Harbour Porpoises surfacing very fast that splashes could be seen from far. We saw once a Minke Whale surfacing, but no sign of it while waiting for it, and then another from far. maybe 500 meters from the boat. We decided to head to this Minke Whale and saw it first surfacing five times that we had a good look at its body even though we didnt manage to get that close to it before running out of time and heading back home. We saw it anyway and spent time before with such amazing dolphins we saw so close to us. On the way back to the harbour we found another group of around 5 White Beaked Dolphins as well. Great Weather, calm sea, eventhough a little bit of wind on the way out.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We started our tour on this beautiful day by going to Engey to look at the puffins. Their breeding season is coming to an end so this might be one of the last changes that we will get to see them on the island. After the puffin island we sailed on out the mirror calm Faxaflói bay.  Very soon we spotted a pod of Harbour Porpoises, they were calm and surfaced close to the boat so we got a very good look at this rather shy cetaceans. We did not have to look for long before we spotted our first Minke Whale of the day! This was a very calm and relaxed Minke surfacing slow and came close to the boat. After getting a good look at this whale we sailed on and soon spotted another Minke Whale this one was very active surfacing often and changing direction frequently. This was not though the last whale of this tour because on our sail back we spotted the third Minke Whale that surfaced few times before we really had to head back to Reykjavik Harbour. This was a very nice tour in a beautiful icelandic weather.

Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: on this tour we had a terrific Minke Whale and one of the best pods of White-beaked Dolphins seen in a long time! We went out and soon found the one Minke Whale on this tour. Just one but it was so easy going that it tolerated us until we dediced enough was enough and that it was time to look for something different. That proved to be the right decision for after about twenty minutes we came across a small pod (4-5) of dolphins. This pod was very lively and performed for us, not least the wonderful little calf they had with them. It jumped several times and aparently enjoyed being in this world and in our Faxaflói Bay. Great!

Birds seen on todays tours: Kittiwake, Artic Tern, Lesser Black Backed Gull, Atlantic Purffin, Great Skua, Artic Skua, Shaq, Common Guillemot, Northern Gannet and more.