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Monday, 20 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The first minke whale that we saw on our evening tour just surfaced in front of the boat and we could enjoy it several times very close to us. But it was not the only whale in the bay and on the whole tour we saw in total 7 to 8 minke whales. It was great to have so many of them in the bay since we never had to search long to find another one. On the way back to harbour we also had one minke whale close to the harbour. All in all it was a perfect minke watching tour.

Tour at 14.00

Report from Elding: Not the same experience as the previous tours as there didn´t seem to be as many cetaceans around but we got to see 3-4 Minke Whales however only one that allowed us to approach it closer as the others went for long deep dives. This Minke Whale was great and even surfaced 10-15 meters from us on a couple of occasions which was really nice.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We started our tour with the island Engey where still many puffins were around and then we sailed further out and the first certacean that we spotted was a minke whale. It surfaced very often and as it disappeared after a while we continued our journey. We saw some more minke whales but unfortunately they surfaced always only a few times and then disappeared very quickly. After a while we saw a group of harbour porpoises very close to the boat. At the end of our tour we found another minke whale. This guy was much closer to the boat and it was great to watch it.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: What a tour. It was so much fun. It started off slow but later on in the tour loads of stuff was happening. We saw at least 3-4 Minke Whales, one surfacing really close and 10-20 Harbour Porpoises which were fantastic to watch as they played under and around the boat. We also had Gannet plunging into the water not to far away. Really found it difficult to decide on what to watch. Minke Whale, Harbour Porpoises or the seabirds it was all great. The rain stayed off for most the tour which was also a bonus.

Tour at 9:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Very great tour this morning with 3 different species. A bit hard at the beginning, but then we spotted in the same area 3 Minke Whales, a pod of 6 White Beaked Dolphins, and maybe up to a hundred Harbour Porpoises all around the boat close and far. We went to see the last puffins on the island Engey, and they were so cute not much but still very easy to see them. Then we headed far out without seeing anything but decided to go back closer to land before spotting harbour porpoises all around. They were so easy to see with their small brown bodies, certainly feeding in a large pod, at least 50-100 of them. Then We saw White beaked dolphins who were travelling close to each other not too much in the mood to be followed too long, but we saw them quite a long time and close as well. Then we saw a minke whale around 200 meters from the boat, we got close to it and we saw it very well and close to the boat several times before heading back to the harbour in a beautiful warm weather, a bit windy on the way back, but with good visibility all around that we could see the whole beautiful scenery very well. People left the boat very happy and thankfull.

Birds seen on today's tours: Common Guillemots, Northern Gannets, Fulmars, Herring Gulls, Lesser Blacks Backed Gulls, Puffins, Glaucous Gulls.