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Saturday, 25 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up again as we headed out towards Akranes, where we had been seeing lots of whales, dolphins and birds today. It started with a feeding minke whale that came very close to us as it surfaced right in front of us several times. After we decided to leave this individual in peace and search for some dolphins, we did not have much luck until towards the end of the tour, when we spotted another feeding minke. So this tour started well and ended well altough there was an hour where we had no luck. All in all it was a good tour in some genuine icelandic weather conditions.


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: It was a very special tour since all in all we saw three different species. At the beginning of our tour we saw a group of harbour porpoises. They surfaced very close to the boat. Then we heard from our sister vessel Hafsúlan that they found dolphins. We went in this direction and we found amazing white-beaked dolphins. It was a huge group and we saw at least 20 dolphins. They jumped out of the water, they were totally close to the boat and it was simply wonderful. After staying with them for a long time we decided to go further on since we also wanted to look for bigger whales. We found a minke whale after a very short search. This guy surfaced three times but then it disappeared. After 5 minutes we found another minke whale and this one was great. We followed it for a while and saw it many times also sometimes very close to the boat.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather had really calmed down since the last tour which was great as the sea had got flatter. We saw three species of cetacean on this tour, 2-3 Minke Whales, which came close on a couple of occasions, a pod of White-beaked Dolphins (7-10 animals) which were probably the highlight of the tour as they were leaping and breaching and surfacing right next to the boat and at the end of the tour a small pod of 3-5 Harbour Porpoises. There were many seabirds too Fulmars whizzing past passengers heads and Gannets plunging into the sea. What a fantastic tour.

Tour at 10:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This tour sure started out very well! We saw a minke whale that breached out of the water about six times, showing of all of its body. It was very close to the shore which is quite unusual. We did not have to move very far but stayed in roughly the same area and spotted at least 8 other minkes. Apparently they were feeding, since they were travelling very fast and changing directions a lot. We saw lots of northern gannets diving down for fish all around. All in all this was a fantastic tour with good weather (although a bit windy) and great sightings. We even managed to spot a few puffins in the end!

Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: Our morning tour started a little bit later than usually because we had to go with another boat than originally planned but than it became an absolute amazing and special tour. We saw a breaching minke whale only 60 meters from us. The whale jumped five time completely out of the water and a few more times we saw part of its body. It was simply unforgettable since this happens very very seldom. We saw the huge body and the white stomache of the whale and there were very big splashes visible. Later we saw this whale some more time breething. Absolutely unforgettable and also for the whole crew it was an impressive experience.

Birds seen on todays tours: Northern Gannets, Arctic Terns, Black Backed Gulls, Common Guillemots, Eider Ducks, Puffins and Glacous Gulls.