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Sunday, 26 August 2012

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: What an evening, the evening light was stunning and there was so many Minke Whales I lost count but we at least saw 10 on this tour. The best Minke Whales were at the beginning of the tour and at the end of the tour where they can close and one even lunge feed, came right out of the water with mouth full of food. We even watched as a pod of Harbour Porpoises (5-7 animals) chased fish. All in all a perfect day of whale watching.

Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: It was simply an amazing tour and all in all we saw five minke whales. One whale was lunge feeding and circled only a few meters from the boat around fish. We saw the small fish very close to the water surface and the whale went directly in this big group of fish. It was a very impressive moment to see this whale feeding so close to the boat. On our way back to the harbour we also saw a group of harbour porpoises. They surfaced a few times close to the boat.

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: The wind had picked up a bit from this morning but the weather was still very nice, the sun shone as we sailed out. We found a minke whaleright away and it came quite close to us. After a while it dove down so we decided to head further. We had to look for a while until a passenger spotted another minke whale. From then on we did not have to move very far and probably saw about 5 or 6 more minke whales surfacing all around most of them moving fast and changing directions frequently. At last we had to leave them behind and head back to the harbour. Great tour in great weather!

Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: The sun was shining as we sailed out this morning. We did not have to search for long. We found the first minke whale after sailing only for 20 minutes. We saw it several times and after a while we continued our journey. It took not long until we found a second and a third minke whale. All in all we had five minke whales on this tour and there were a few more a little bit farer from the boat. Sometimes the whales came very close to the boat and it was great to see their massive bodies.

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: The perfect weather to go whale watching, nothing like what the forecast had predicted which was fantastic. crisp wintery air, sun shining, great visability and calm seas. We also saw at least 6-10 Minke Whales (not all at once off course but one after the other, some very close and some far away). It was a pod ofWhite-beaked Dolphins that we saw first though (7-13 animals) travelling very fast obviously chasing fish. The whole tour was incredible. One for the books. Lets hope the whole day is like this tour.

Birds seen on todays tours: Northern Gannets, Arctic Terns, Black Backed Gulls, Common Guillemots