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Friday, 27 July 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding: After a very difficult day we were so happy after this lovely evening. We decided to sail straight out to the bay to find the whales. After about 10 minutes a passenger shouted out WHALE!! We did not see anything for a while but as soon as we took off a humpback whale surfaced right next to us! We could not believe our eyes! This humpback was being a little hard to follow in the beginning but after a while it was showing us the fluke few times and once very close to the boat! We did not want to leave this amazing animal so we stayed with it the whole tour! The sky was just stunning, showing us every colour there is and the sun sitting down next to Snæfellsglacier. An unforgettable evening.

Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: It was a beautiful evening out in the bay which was nice as this tour proved to be a difficult to start but an amazing finish. Due to the fact that the last tour was not that successful we wanted to try out another area which is usually very successful but alas no luck. As we were starting to head back after about 2 1/2 hours of searching we got word from another whale watching vessel about a Minke Whale and once we were in the area it was all go from there. We had to wait now and again for the whale to surface but when it did especially next to the sun where the blow is so visible it was beautiful. A long tour but a perfect ending.

Tour at 14:00

The sun was still shining when we headed out this afternoon. After visiting the puffins we headed straight to the same area we saw the minke whale in the morning. We did not manage to find the whales there so we searched in a very very large area. After a long time we spotted a minke whale but this one only surfaced once before taking a deeper dive and then disappearing. It was a great disappointment and we hope that the whales will come back soon. We gave out complimentary tickets and we hope to see our passengers again in the future.Tour at 13:00

Report  from Hafsúlan: On our midday tour the sea calmed down and we enjoyed the sun  when we went out in the bay. It took a while until we spotted the first minke whale but unfortunately he surfaced only once and then  disappeared. We continued our searched and then we found another minke whale  that surfaced 3 or 4 times but then also disappeared. We saw two more minke  whales but also these guys were very illusive. At the end of our tour we saw  another minke whale that surfaced several times. All in all it was a little bit  difficult but we were happy that we could see two minke whales very good on this  tour.

Tour at 10:00

We heard news from our sister vessel Hafsúlan that they had a minke whale in the area. We headed straight to that area. Once we arrived there we had to wait a few moments but our patient paid off and we saw this minke whale surfacing next to us. We could see it for few times before it went for a deeper dive. Unfortunately we did not find it again and we searched in a very large area afterwards with no more luck. The weather was though very beautiful and when we arrived to Akurey the puffin Island we were so lucky to see many thousands of the flying around.Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: A beautiful day to be out whale watching albeit a little cold due to the wind. The sun was out though and the visibility perfect as we could see Snæfellsnes in the distance. We sailed straight out into the bay and it took us a little while before a couple of the passengers spotted something just in front of the boat. A Minke Whale and a great one at that as it surfaced a couple of times and at one point just 5 - 7 meters in front of the boat to the point that you could see its white patches on its flippers. Once the whale went for a deep dive we had to wait a little while but by the end of the tour we got to see it many times maybe even another whale as we heard of another in the area. It was great especially when you combine it with loads of plunging Gannets, skimming Arctic Terns and thousands of puffins at the isalnd. Great morning to be out at sea.