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Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Elding: The skies started to dim as the sun lowered in the sky and clouds were rolling in. No rain though which is always apprieciated. We headed east this time as we were sure the orca were long gone in the rough seas to the west not sheltered by land. We searched and searched with binoculars and bare eyes determined to find a black back or blow of a whale. The whales must of moved on from this area as there were nothing to be found. Our only spark of excitement of seeing a cetacean came when we headed west from Grindavík harbour and saw White-beaked Dolphins leaping and splashing in the distance. As we got closer however, they were not located again. Obviously turning to stealth mode as we approached. Its nature and it is very unpredictable and you have to take the bad tours with the good. Passengers all recieved complimentary tickets in the hope the next tour will be a good one.


Tour at 1400



Tour at 1300

Report from Elding: Once again we headed west from Grindavík harbour in the hope of finding the orca again. We did find the large maleOrca after about 30 minutes of searching and he was incredible, surfacing just 5-10 meters from the boat so that the passengers could really apprieciate his size. No sign of the rest of the family though. Unfortunately he was heading further and further into the rough seas and we were not able to follow him for long so we started to head back in the hope of finding other species on the way. We didn´t but the buzz from the male orca was still in the air.


Tour at 1000



Tour at 0900

Report from Elding: We started our whale watching adventure from Grindavík today in very windy weather, however the wind was coming from the north east and so the sea wasn´t affected by it. So choppy seas, yes, but no big rolling swells which was really nice. Just 5 minutes after leaving the harbour our lovely researcher onboard with his keen eye and binoculars spotted a pod ofOrca (Killer Whales) about 7-10 of them from a juvenile just a couple of weeks old to a massive male with his large triangular dorsal fin a couple of hundred meters away. We were able to follow this pod for quite a while but they were travelling fast inland and then west. Maybe sheltering the young calf from the rough seas. After a fantastic encounter of the orca we headed further west to see if we could find the humpback whale from the previous night but unfortunately no luck. On the way back to the harbour we briefly stopped with the orca again just to leave the tour on a nice note. Fantastic morning from Grindavík.

Birds seen on today´s tours; Guillemots, Razorbills, Arctic tern´s, Arctic skua´s, Great Skuas, Eider Ducks, Manx Shearwaters, Fulmars, Gannets, Kittiwakes, and Seagulls.