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Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Tour at 2030

Unfortunately the midnight tour is cancelled for this evening.


Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan We started the tour again at the Puffin colony Akurey and were happy to find a lot of them there. After that we sailed for a very long time trough the bay and searched for whales. Unfortunately we only saw once a Minke Whale from a distance and twice two small pods of Harbor Porpoises, each pod around 3 individuals. After that we could not find any other signs of whales, so everyone on board got a complimentary ticket to try to find them again.


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding : We spotted first a nice pod of harbour porpoises which came very close towards the boat several times, the passengers got a very nice look at them and their brown colors, they probably swam under our boat. It took us quite a long time to find the bigger whales, we saw first a lot of birds : puffins, guillemots, arctic terns, kittiwakes, manx shearwaters, arctic skuas and gannets plunging a lot throughout the tour. To find our whales, we actually followed the gannets, there were plenty of them flying away and we found even more of them further out in the bay and then our first minke Whale parrallel to our boat 150 meters away, swimming fast towards the plunging gannets, smelling the fish from far and getting excited. this minke whale was followed by 3-4 others all swimming in the same directions towards the diving gannets. Amazing! we got surprised on the right side of the boat by another minke whale and ran out of time, deciding to go back to see the puffins on akurey island but another whale suprised us and another one on the left side. 3 of them were around the boat diving deep and long to chase fish. Quite amazing tour in a cloudy strange misty weather!


Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan We headed straight out into the bay and started to search for whales. It did take us a bit longer until we spotted the first Harbour Porpoises (one pod of 4+ and a smaller one around 3 individuals). Then we went on with the searching and found during the tour at least 4 Minke Whales, while two of them were great to look at. The first one surfaced suddenly just 5 meter in front of us, the other one seemed to go in an eight in front of our vessel, a feeding technique of those baleen whales. So this was a great tour in a bit choppy bay as the wind picked up during the afternoon.


Tour at 10:00

Report from Skrúður : We went first to visit the puffins on Lundey island. there were so many of them, standing on grass and rocks showing their cute white bellies, and on the surface as well. We sailed out then to find our whales and we didnt have to go that far out, but it was quite windy and sweally. A passenger actually pointed our first Minke Whale, we saw several individuals around 5-8, sometimes quite far from the boat but some individuals surfaced quite close, and we saw several times really nice blows, quite big for minkies, since the weather was a bit cloudier and rough, we might have seen these blows easier. We also saw quickly some Harbour porpoises. The minkies were busy feeding and changing a lot their directions. Birds seen on tour : Puffins, guillemots, a nice battle in the air between arctic skuas and arctic terns, different gulls, kittiwakes, gannets.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan At first we visited this morning the Puffins on Akurey, than we headed further out into the bay to search for whales. It did not take us long until we found the first Minke Whale of the day. After we spotted the first one, we saw them in many different areas and directions around us. At least we encountered 10 of them during this great tour. So this was a great start in to a promising day in Faxaflói Bay!

Report from Elding: After visiting Akurey the Puffin Island it took us only few minutes to spot our first minke whale! We were watching it surfacing close to us when another one surfaced in the same area, and then another one...we had at least 5 individuals in the same area! This was so nice and we could see some of them surfacing very close to the boat. Chiara, the head of the research project recognized one of the minke whale, and it was our dear friend Midi which we have seen every summer since 2007! Very nice tour this lovely Wednesday morning.