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Saturday, 23 June 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding : We started the tour in a beautiful blue sky and headed straight toward Akurey to watch a few hundred puffins flying around the island or just sitting on the water close to the shore. We enjoyed the sun on our way to the area we usually spot the whales and there we saw our first Minke Whale. This one was hard to see because of the shiny suns glare but we had the great chance to smell the fishy breath of this Minke. The second Minke was also hard to spot and we searched a long time but finally when we decided to go back to Reykjavik, we had the great surprise to have a third Minke surfacing not even 20 meters from the boat !!  After a nice look at it we made our way back with some live music to relax and warm up the saloon. The tour ended with stunning magic trick :)


Tour at 17:00

Report from Elding : The weather has been just wonderful throughout the day! Again a very nice sailing out in Faxafloi bay! The first and wonderful encounter we got was with a pod of harbour porpoises coming in the front right of the boat. We stayed with it a little cause they were feeling like showing us a bit more than usual. One swam so fast from the front left side to the boat down to the right side and back of the boat, that everbody was amazed to see its whole brown body under the surface very close! Then we had the whole group between 11 to 1 o'clock surfacing many time, when suddenly the captain sees a blow not that far at 1.It was a minke whale, and what a minke whale !! We saw only one on this tour but a great one with which we stayed around 35 minutes watching it surfacing and surfacing between 3 meters to 20 meters from the boat and saw even the white stripe on its left flipper as well as the two blow holes at the top of the head and the extremity of the mouth, and nice blows! Wow great tour with a very friendly whale!


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding II: This tour we did choose our small vessel Elding II to sail into a sunny and calm bay. The sailing itself was already a pleasure in this beautyful weather, once we were further out in the bay we found one Minke Whale, that surfaced many times around our boat. In between it was so close that we even could hear the loud blows and see the two blowholes on the back of the head. It was great to stay so close with this individual, ecspezially in the small boat! Once we lost the Minke Whale we headed further on into the bay and found a Pod of 3 to 5 Harbor Porpoises. After a long searching we encountered a second Minke Whale but unfortunately it showed up only once and disappeared. On the way back we stopped at the Puffin colony on Akurey to end a nice tour in amazing weather!!


Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding : We went to Akurey island to see our cute atlantic puffins, and they were there as usual on the surface or flying or chilling on the grass. after 30 minutes sailng out we spotted 2 shy fast swimming Harbour Porpoises and then our first blow from a Minke Whale far away in front of the boat, it was our first minke whale but it was very elusive and was diving for a long time. A second one showed us its blow just later on and we managed to see it a little bit closer but again this minke was a bit difficult not surfacing again after a long time. We kept looking and found a nice minke whale at the end of the trip that we saw very close to the boat surfacing three times and then disappearing in the blue of the ocean, but people saw it very well and got a nice look at the colour and pattern of its body. the weather was so beautiful and perfect!


Tour at 10:00

Unfortunately the data is missing from this tour.


Tour at 900

Report from Elding : Good weather and flat sea in faxafloi bay! A lot of puffins on Akurey island. We saw throughout this tour a lot of different pods of harbour porpoises, and 6-8 minke whales. The longer we stayed in the bay the closer we got to the whales and we had few plunging gannets. We saw several times the minkies sufacing close to the boat. The harbour porpoises seemed to follow us or the whales, they were just great and all the passengers got a nice look at these small cetaceans! Nice tour!