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Monday, 25 June 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Hafsúlan: The weather was still very nice for whale watching. We headed straight to that area we were seeing the minke whales on our previous tours today. We saw lot of birds now in that area who were actively feeding so that was a good sign. Yet again we were very happy to find many minke whales feeding with the birds. We even had a small pod of white-beaked dolphins for few minutes in front of us. The midnight sun was just stunning and Snæfellsglacier absolutely beautiful! Very romantic tour with very nice whales!


Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: Once again we sailed out in lovely calm seas and blue skies. We headed to where elding last saw all the whales and they were still all there feeding. It was great to see all the birds, partically because they showed us where the whales were going to surface. We turned off our engines and sat back and watched and listened as the whales and birds moved closer and then further away and then closer again, you could almost see the movement of the fish by the movement of the whales and birds. One of the Minke Whales was one we knew very well called "Tap" which has been seen in 2007, 2010, 2011 and now 2012, whoo hoo!!. Great to see you safe and well Mr/Mrs Tap. We ended at Akurey once again and once again we had Puffins flying around, standing on the rocks and vegatation and swimming on the water close by. A great end to a perfect tour.


Tour at 14:00

Report from Elding: We decided to do as the 13:00 tour did and went to that area a bit far away. We were not disappointed! Minke whales everywhere! This was very very nice and the weather made it even nicer! What a beautiful tour with the minkies. We even saw one rolling under the surface very close to the boat so we could see the white belly very clearly. At the end of the tour we stopped in Akurey to see the puffins and we even saw a harbour seal eating a fish! Very nice tour.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: We sailed out in beautiful weather and saw many Minke Whales on this tour. We at least saw 5 or 6 and a couple more very far in the distance. A couple of these Minkes also came quite close to the boat just maybe 10-20 meters so that you could hear the sound of the blow and see the white patches on the flippers. One of them was very small, maybe 5-6m long and came very close to the boat many times but obviously preoccupied with doing other stuff maybe resting as it was heading in the same direction for a while, slowly surfacing and then most likely found some food as it quickly changed direction and speed. We ended the tour at Akurey puffin island and wasn´t dissappointed there either, many puffins. Wonderful tour.


Tour at 10:00

Report from Elding: We started our tour with a stop at our puffin island Akurey. On our way out we saw a few times harbour porpoises and as we sailed further in the bay suddenly a minke whale surfaced just in front of our boat. We stopped our boat and we saw this minke whale several more times very close to the boat. We continued our journey in order to search for other whales. Almost at the end of our tour we were surrounded by minke whales and we had three whales around the boat. Thanks to the calm sea it was very easy to spot them. On our way back to the harbour we saw some more minke whales and we stopped several more times to enjoy them. All in all we could enjoy more than 10 minke whales on this tour.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan : We went first to Akurey, the puffin island and sailed out then in Faxaflói bay to find our whales. On the way we could see 2-3 times Harbour Porpoises surfacing very quick, but then we found our first Minke Whale far away in the distance and appoached it slowly and saw it again several times quite close to the boat. there were other whales in the same areas and some of them let us approach them closer or crossed our path. At least there were 3 different Minkies not that far from us maybe 5 and some others in the distance. The sea was really calm with different colours and lights all over due to some clouds but perfect weather to spot our whales!