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Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Tour at 20:30

Report from Elding : there cannot be a better mix than whales and the midnight sun and this tour was absolutely brilliant! Outstanding weather, visibility was perfect, etc. While Puffin Island was almost deserted, the Minke Whales on the tour made up for it. We saw at least 6-7 Minke Whales, including twice ones travelling together, remarkable in light of that Baleen Whales are normally solitary and are normally only seen together when there is a lot of food around or during breeding season. Although the guide only just caught sight of it, one of the last ones we saw on the tour breached for us! What a tour it was, perfect in every way imaginable.


Tour at 17:00

Report from Hafsúlan: In this tour we headed straight out into the bay and decided to stop at the Puffin colony on our way back. In the beginning of the tour it was heavy raining but luckyly the rain stopped once we were further out in the bay. It did not took us a long time until we spotted the first Minke Whale on the trip. We just stayed shortly in the area and decided to go further out hoping to find more Minke Whales. The first one surfaced in a distance not far away but we went on until we came into an area were there where at least three plus individuals. Two of them surfaced at the same time together and as the sea was very calm we even could turn of the engines. It was amazing as they started to circle around us and surfaced close on both sides at the same time. On the way back we found at least 3 more Minke Whales and during the tour we saw again and again a lot of Harbour Porpoises (20+). Great tour for all on board.


Tour at 1400

Report from Elding : We went first to see our cute small puffins on Akurey island. And there was a lot of them, as well as oystercatchers, fulmars, gulls and Eider ducks. We could still see from far the two gull's chicks. We went to the same area where we were this morning and we foud our first minke whale but stayed longer with the second one. This second minkie was coming several time between 15 to 30 meters from the boat and even circled around us several times. Nice behaviour! It was changing directions a lot and surfacing slowly that we could see the triangle of the mouth coming out the water first, and the white stripe on the flipper. There was another minke whale just further away sometimes surfacing at the same time than our closer one. the minkie we had for long had a easy recognisable dorsal fin with a special nick. A pity the researchers weren't on board! We saw many other whales close and far from the boat on our way back since the see was flat mirror, one even surprised us in front of the boat, and an important pod of harbour porpoises travelled in the opposite direction on our left. Nice tour with Gannets, guillemots, kittiwakes, gulls, and arctic terns out at sea


Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafsúlan: At first we stopped to watch Puffins on Akurey and this was great to see as the were flying all around us. Then we went further out in the bay and found 8 to 12 Harbour Purpoises and 7+ Minke Whales. On the way back Minkes and Porpoises were surfacing together and it was great to compare their sizes with each other as the small and cute Harbor Porpoises are pretty much the same size than us. Great afternoon were we headed again far out into the bay to find the Minke Whales in a perfect weather and amazing calm sea!!!


Tour at 1000

Report from Elding : we had an excellent time at Puffin Island before heading out to the bay. We started off by seeing some delightful small pods of Harbour Porpoises (2-5) before reaching the Minke Whales a bit further out. On this tour we saw 3-5 Minke Whales, including very close to the boat so we both saw and heard the blow very well. This was yet another tour during which we had a fair number of Icelanders onboard and we would love to welcome more of them in the future. Our message to them would be: "Komið í hvalaskoðun og kynnist öllu villidýralífinu sem er við bæjardyrnar hjá ykkur" ("Come whale-watching and get to know all the wildlife that lives practically on your doorstep")


Tour at 09:00

Report from Hafsúlan: This morning we started at Akurey with thousands of Puffins all around the boat! After that we headed out into the bay and found one Minke Whale. As it was not very easy to watch and there was another boat around we decided to head on and this was definetely the best decicition we could do on this tour. We went very far out and ended in an area with at least 20 Minke Whales all around us. Amazing to see them in different directions and different distances surfacing at the same time! Long tour with many many Minkes in a great at calm sunny bay. Perfect start in a day!