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Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Tour at 1300

Even it looked like it could start to rain every minute the tour was mostly try, the only thing that could have been better was the swell that moved our boat up and down. Compared to the morning tour we had to search for a bit longer until we found our first Minke Whale. Again the Minke Whales seemed to be busy feeding and they were quite challenging to spot but all in all there were quite a few around. Once we spotted two Minke Whales surfacing at the same time while one was really close to us and the other one a bit in a distance. In the same area as the Minke Whales we encountered 2 pods of Harbor Porpoises once they came very close to the boat and surfaced quite slowly. On the way back towards Reykjavík we found the well known Minke called Megan again, that we encountered in the morning already. Again it was great to enjoy the marine life in Faxafói Bay and to compare the size of the Minke Whales with the tiny little Harbor Porpoises, that are similar to our body size.


Tour at 9:00

Being prepared for a bit of swell and a long search we started again from Reykjavík. Today it did not take us a long time until we spotted a Minke Whale!!! Coming closer to the animal we recognized, that it was the same that we saw on the day before, that we call Megan and know since 2010. It seemed to be busy feeding in the area around the boat and today it came really really close to us. It did not surfaced more than 5 Meters away from the boat and we could see part the head of the Minke Whale coming out of the water. Once it even turned under the water, that we could see the pink bottom of it's mouth!!! A great day with a really good Minke Whale surfacing many many times close around the boat!!!