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Monday, 7 May 2012

Tour at 1300

Again we sailed in a wonderful sunshine into the calm Faxaflói Bay. Just the wind got a little bit more and it was a bit more choppy this afternoon. It cleared up even more, so we could see the Glacier far away in the Bay. Again we did not sail very long until we found the first group of Harbor Porpoises, that surfaced many times. Every time it is nice to look at those small mammals that are just the same size than us. Finding a bigger Whale was more challenging this afternoon than in the morning. We sailed for a long long time and just saw twice a part of a bigger marine mammal until we found a Minke Whale again. But this one was nice to us after it changed direction several times it came so close to the boat that we could clearly hear the blow and even see the two blowholes on the back of the head. It was not more than 15 meters away from the boat and we recognized, that we knew this one since quite a while. Once more it was Megan the Minke Whale we saw during the last weeks on many tours and we encountered first in 2010. A great afternoon in a beautiful weather with a happy and after a long search for Megan the Minke Whale!!!


Tour at 0900

Still sailing from Reykjavík again the weather was amazing this morning and the sea conditions could not be better. We could see far far away into a really calm bay. First we stopped at the Island Akurey a Puffin Colony close to Reykjavík, to see if the first Puffins arrived after the winter and it was great to see that there are already a lot of them around busy searching for their partners and cleaning the earth holes they are nesting in. Heading on into the Bay it did not take us more than a few minutes until we saw a flock of feeding birds, that woke our interest. And our high hopes came true we already found a pod of Harbor Porpoises surfacing many times close to our boat. We could see them under the water using the energy of the waves. Heading on, after this great event we had not a lot of time to relax as the first Minke Whale showed up not far away from us. Soon we came closer to the animal and we surrounded at least by 2 individuals maybe even more. Both were surfacing many times and came really close to us. It was a great experience to stay with them in a beautiful and calm bay. What a day again with nice Mine Whales and a lot of Harbor Porpoises.