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Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Tour at 1700 The first evening tour and it was great. It was alot nicer to have 9 passengers onboard to have more one to one contact and talk more with each. We headed very far offshore and saw many blows most likely of Minke Whales during the duration of this tour but again we only saw blows (exhaled breath of whales). All of the whales were so elusive today and the puffins had disappeared. It is so weird what changes the wildlife so drastically. If only we knew but thats nature for you and the mystery of it is what makes it so appealing. Thats hope it doesn´t last for to long and that tomorrow will be different.

Tour at 1300 Again no Puffins on the Islands but we did see Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Brent Geese, Greylag goose, Eider Ducks, and many seagulls but no puffins. We did see three species of ceaceans on this tour Minke Whales, Harbour Porpoises and White-beaked Dolphins. However, the Minke was only seen twice in the distance and wonderfully spotted by one of our passengers and one by me the guide after that, nothing. The Harbour Porpoises were fleating past now and again The dolphins were better and you could see them breaching in the distance and as we got closer they surfaced just 10-20 meters from the boat 5-7 of them. They did this twice and like the Minke Whale they vanished into the wild blue yonder.

Tour at 0900 It was a little rough on this mornings tour and very cold so everyone had to wrap up warm and make use of our free overalls, blankets, and rain coats which are also good for the wind. We first visited Puffin Island Akurey and unfortunately not even one puffin. It was like playing "Where´s Waldo" with no Waldo. Were did all the puffins go. We did see a couple offshore but not as many as we did. Maybe they thought that it was getting warmer and then because it cold again they headed off again, who knows. Its nature and nature is so mysterious. The cetaceans (whales, dolphins and porpoises) we also very elusive for this tour. We did see Harbour Porpoises a couple of times on this tour but no biggers whales. At the end of the tour we did hear from another whale watching vessel of one but once we got there nothing. Lets cross our fingers that its better for the next tour.