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Saturday, 19 May 2012

Tour at 17:00

A very long but beautiful tour. We started at Puffin Island and like the last tour there was maybe a couple at home, most either in their burrows or out at sea feeding. We then headed very far out to same area as the last tour with Hafsulan. We did see a couple of  Harbour Porpoises and one Minke on the way out in the distance and one on the way back in the distance but it was the one in the middle that we spent most of our time with. We had to be very patient with this Minke Whale but we saw it many times. However,  It was diving for at least 8-10 minutes before resurfacing again. At least it was surfacing relatively in the same area each time so we could edge a little closer to it every time it surfaced .This tour was just perfect with thr beautiful evening light and reflective seas. Perfect evening to be out at sea.


Tour at 13:00

Report from Elding: The weather was still very nice this afternoon. We sailed out to search for the whales and again we spotted fewharbour porpoises on the way out. We searched for a long time before spotting a minke whale. This was a juvenile and was only surfacing once before taking a deeper dive. We decided to leave that whale in peace because we heard from Hafsúla that they had a whale. Once we got there we found that minke whale,and two more! We stayed there for few minutes before heading to Akurey to see the puffins. No puffins where at home this afternoon but now we had some whales, but this morning we had puffins but no whales. This just showed us how nature can change really quickly.

Report from Hafsulan: We headed very far out in the bay on this tour on the calmest of seas. We saw few Harbour Porpoises on the way but not as many as the morning tour. We saw a Minke in the distance and after waiting for a couple of minutes with the whale still not surfacing we continued our search further out. The Captain then spotted a Minke Whale in front of the boat a couple of hundred meters away. We got a bit closer and turned off our engines to hear the wonderful sound of nature. The Minke Whale was great and surfaced many times. It looked to be starting to feed and it was surfacing frequently and always changing direction, the birds started to appear as well. The other whale watching boats were getting closer so we turned back our engines and tried to get a little bit closer before we left the whale with the other boats and to our amazement, the whale surfaced just meters from us. You could hear the sound of the exhaled breath, saw the white bands on the flippers it was incredible. on the way back to the harbour we went to see the puffins but only a couple where seen on the Island, we did see a Harbour Seal however which was a nice surprise.


Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding: The weather was beautiful when we sailed out this Saturday morning. We stopped at Akurey to see if the puffins were at home, and we saw a lot of them flying around the island. After that we headed out in search for the whales. We saw few harbour porpoises on the way out. We searched in a large area in hope to find the whales. We saw a blow from a minke whale few times but never saw that whale itself. Not a good tour with the whales but a beautiful weather and nice puffins. Complimentary tickets were given and we hope that this will not stay like this.

Report from Hafsulan: Very difficult whales on a perfect weather day. We started at the Puffin Island Akurey and saw hundreds flying and swimming around and many on the Island itself. We then headed offshore for about 30-40 minutes to find the Minke Whales. On the way we saw many seabirds and quite a few Harbour Porpoises (8-10 scattered individuals) surfacing fast through the water. We found the Minke Whales but they were diving for a very long time so that they were always in the distance when spotted. Very hard to show the passengers where they were. Complimentary tickets given.

Seabirds seen ontodays tours include; Puffins, Guillemots, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Arctic Terns, Gannets, Brent Geese, Graylag Geese, Eider Ducks and other seagull species.