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Monday, 21 May 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: Having high hopes after the good first tours of the day we stopped in the beginning at the Puffin Island. Once we got further out into the bay we spotted one Minke Whale that surfaced only once. After that we headed to a flock of feeding birds and could find 3 to 5 Harbor Porpoises around. After that we were sailing for a very long time really far out into the calm and silent bay. We only saw one and one Harbor Porpoise surfacing until a group of passengers shouted whale!!! We turned the boat stopped and waited for a while until the first Minke Whale surfaced, than a second one and just a moment later a pod of White Beaked Dolphins (5 to 8). WOW!!! In the end we had around 5 Minke Whales in the area, two of them travelling side by side very close to the boat!!! The Minke Whales plus the Dolphins in the same area surfacing together was the best end of the day we could have!!! Great day in amazing weather with many whales!!!

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: This time we decided to stop at Akurey in the end of the tour and we headed straight out into th calm Faxaflói Bay just the wind picked up a little bit. First we stopped shortly with some Harbor Porpoises(around 5) but we wanted to find a bigger species and headed further out into the bay. Just a bid behind the area from the morning tour we saw a lot of birds (Arctic Terns, Arctic Skuas and some Gannets). Once we arrived in the area we encountered between 6 to 8 Minke Whales all in the same area. They came close to the boat and it was a impressive sce3nery with the birds and the beautiful landscape!! Great Tour!!

Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: On the way out we stopped at the Puffin colony Akurey in front of Reykjavík. The weather was brilliant, sunshine and no waves at all. We did not head far out into the bay until we found Minke Whales!!! It was amazing we were in between of 7 to 10 Minke Whales some of them were very close others a bit further away!!! There seemed to be no birds in the area around the whales and the were surfacing many times in the calm and peaceful bay. Magic morning with a lot of Whales in fabulous weather!!!