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Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Elding II: We had only a small group off guests with us on this tour so we decided to take one of our smaller boats out on the tour. We headed out into the calm bay which was in a great evening light. It did not took as very long time until we spotted the first Minke Whale, that was slowly surfacing many times and very close to our boat. Maybe it was a resting whale but could also be just slow traveling. We headed further out to search for other individuals in the area we saw them the tours before. On the way we spotted 7-12 Harbour Porpoises that were great to look at from the small boat. During the tour we stayed with 4 Minke Whales, all of them seemed to be slowing down after that busy day in the bay and came really close to the vessel. Great evening in a calm and peaceful bay with amazing Minke Whales seen from our small vessel Elding II. Like on the tour before we stopped on the way back at the Puffin island Akurey and saw the cute birds all around and on top in front of their earth tunnels.


Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: Starting in Reykjavík again we headed straight out into Faxaflói Bay. First we encountered a pod of 4-6 Harbour Porpoises we just had a short look at as we were hoping to find the Minke Whales from the morning tour again. Just a few minutes later we saw the first blow in a distance, it was a Minke Whale that seemed not to be easy to spot so we went on searching. It was worth to head on as we came in an area were we had again 10+ Minke Whales all around us some of them in a distance others surfacing very close to the boat. All in all they seemed to be more busy than in the morning surfacing shortly and changing direction a lot. It was one more great experience with a lot of Minke Whales!!!!


Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: Great morning in our home bay! After we stopped shortly at the Puffin colony Akurey we headed further out into the bay and it did not take us long to come in a great area! Not far from Reykjavík we found between 10 up to 20 Minke Whales!!! Hard to say a concrete number as some of them were really close around us and others quite in a distance. But it was a busy area with a lot of feeding Minke Whales. We even turned the engines off to hear them better and to enjoy the pure nature in Faxaflói bay. One of the magic moments in the marine life around Iceland!!! Great start into a great day.