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Sunday, 27 May 2012

Tour at 1700

(Report from Hafsúlan) The weather was still perfect with the added bonus of the beautiful evening light. We went straightout on this tour and found some Harbour Porpoises about 30-40 minutes into the tour which were entertaining the passengers as they surfaced meters from the boat and doing their little loud blows (exhaled breathe) which is the reason for their other common european name ´Puffing Pig´. We watched these guys for a while before we spotted a Minke Whale in the distance. This minke was great surfacing many times and close to the boat too, occasionally. We stayed with this Minke Whalea while before heading a bit further out to see what else we could find. We found some more porpoises and another Minke before visiting Akurey (Puffin Island) before heading back home.

Tour at 1300

(Report from Hafsúlan) The weather didn´t change much except that the seas had a little less roll to them. Once again we started the tour at Puffin Island with a few less Puffins around and then headed to the area we went this morning to say hello to the whales. We found one Minke Whale pretty early in the tour (maybe 10-20 minutes from where most were this morning), which was a juvenile most likely a new born from the previous winter. We stayed with this whale for a while and watched it go back and forth, fast and slow, obviously feeding.l After a time we went further out. We found another Minke and again watched it for a while but did not get as close as the minkes from the previous tour. We then saw a big blow three times and something dark rising from the surface in the distance, making me think it was a Humpback Whale but i don´t what to say for sure as it went for a long dive and wasn´t seen again. A couple of fast surfacing scatted Harbour Porpoises were also spotted now and again but not much time was spent with them as as soon as we would stop for them they would dive and disapear. This tour indicates just how quickly nature can change.

Tour at 0900

(Report from Hafsúlan) What a beautiful day. Blue skies, calm seas (with a slight swell, residual from the previous days of strong wind) and perfect visability. We started the tour at Akurey to see the Puffins and there were a lot at home and also offshore. We saw at least 4-6 Minke Whales on this tour and a couple of Harbour Porpoises. One of the Minke Whales was incredible; lunge feeding just 10-20 meters from our boat, you could see the water and fish pouring out the mouth and the ventral pleats under the body extended. There were many birds around also which showed us were the whale was going to surface next. Many whales also surfaced just meters from the boat. Great whales in great weather.


(Report from Elding) Faxaflói Bay greeted us with a slight chill but otherwise very fine conditions as we sailed out. There was next to no fog so it was with ease that we were able to show our passengers the beautiful surroundings. After a disappointing evening tour yesterday, the crew hoped for a better morning tour today and it was as if the whales had read our minds and decided the hiding game was over. Our sister ship Hafsúlan found the first Minke Whale of the morning but then it was as if they were everywhere around us, popping up 30-50 meters from the boat at times, which allowed us to hear the blow well and clear. We also had great views of the backs and dorsal fins. All in all we will have seen 5-6 Minke Whales on this tour and 3-4 of them well. A few (3-4) Harbour Porpoises also said hello for a few seconds at the start. Fantastic!

Birds seen on todays tours include; Puffins, Gannets, Guillemots, Razorbills, Manx Shearwaters, Arctic Skuas, Arctic Terns, Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Seagulls, Eider Ducks, Cormorants, Brent Geese and Greylag Geese.