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Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Tour at 1700

Report from Hafsúlan: Faxaflói Bay looked so beautiful as we sailed out that we wished that we had our 20.30 whale-watching tour (what we call the 'Romantic Whale Watching) already but that will only happen in mid-June. Even so, there was a lot of romance onboard, for what could be more romantic than whale-watching. We went to roughly the same areas as earlier in the day, still with the extreme success of the morning tour in mind, and it wasn't long before a passenger (not the guide) spotted the first Minke Whale. Over the next 15-20 minutes we saw probably two other individuals as well but each of the three once as they went for a long dive upon the first sighting. However, there was a period when they were popping up here and there around us, including close and several times we heard the blow load and clear. All in all we will have seen 5-6 Minke Whales on this tour and probably 5-10Harbour Porpoises. A very fine tour indeed and the sun and virtually no wind make the homebound journey very lovely.

Tour at 1300

Report from Hafsúlan: Again we started in brilliant weather and sea conditions into Faxaflói Bay. On the way out we stopped at the Puffin Colony Akurey and still there were some of them around. Great to see those small birds sitting in front of their earth tunnels!!! We had to head out a bit until we encountered the first Minke Whale of the tour unfortunately it was not easy to spot so we went further in the hope to find a easier one. But the Minke Whales seemed not to be that good to watch in the afternoon tour. We found a second Minke Whale but again it was not easy so we searched and searched for a long time. The highlight of this tour was a Pod of Harbor Porpoises coming really very close to the boat!!! Those 5 to 7 individuals surfaced many times and we could see them under the surface. One of them was circling next to us!! A long tour with two difficult Minke Whales and unusual playfully and curios Porpoises!!!


Tour at 0900

Report from Hafsúlan: What a morning in our home bay!!! We did not sailed for a long time until we saw the first Minke Whale of the day it was not easy to spot so we headed on and found a second one again not very easy to look at. As we saw a big flock of feeding birds far away we went straight into the area and got a check pod, as there were 8 to 10 Minke Whales around us, surfacing many times and really close. We even could turn out the engine of the vessel to listen better to their blows and the sounds of the birds!!! In between we had also some Harbor Porpoises shy and shortly as usual! All in all a brilliant and amazing start in a calm and sunny bay surrounded by Minke Whales surfacing at the same time together!!! WOW!!!