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Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

The wind had picked up a bit this afternoon. We decided to try another area this time. We sailed for a loooong time all the way to the end of Reykjanes peninsula. The sea was a bit rough and no signs of the whales. We were nearly out of the bay, sailing pass Garðskagi at the end of Reykjanes, when the captain spotted a blow. Once we got closer we saw the blow again, and yes another blow! Two humpback whales! After a very long and a bit rough sailing this was exactly what we needed! We stayed with the humpbacks for a while where one of them showed us the fluke and surfaced many times in front of us. Long day with a nice surprise ending!


Tour at 09:00

Report from Elding We sailed out from Reykjavík this grey April morning. We started the tour by finding a nice pod of breaching white-beaked dolphins! They were interacting with the boat, riding in the waves and swimming really close to us, under us and surfacing right in front of us. They even had calves with them, and they were jumping out of the water so we could take a good look at them, very cute! We decided to head further out. We searched for quite some time without any luck and our time was running out. On the way home we came across a small pod of harbour porpoises. They were in a hurry so we only saw them for few seconds. But then when we thought the tour was over another pod of white-beaked dolphins surfaced right in front of the boat. This one had calves as well with them, and it was very nice to end the tour just as we started it, with nice pod of dolphins.