
Vegna framkvæmda á landgangi í Viðey hefur öllum brottförum verið aflýst. Siglingar hefjast aftur þegar framkvæmdum lýkur!


Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

As we ended our morning tour in Sandgerði, we started there the afternoon tour again. And this time we knew immediately that our decision to search in this area was right! We were sailing for less than ten minutes and we were in the middle of a great show!!! At least four Humpback Whales were busy feeding between hundreds of birds and our boat was just in between of them. We could see a big swarm of Capelin (a small fish) very close to the surface, while the Humpbacks were not more than 10 meters away from us. They were diving under the boat and gave us just a great show!! After this we headed back to Reykjavík were we started the day in the morning. A brilliant ending of a day in the marine life with great Whales and perfect weather.


Tour at 9:00

We started our day from Reykjavík in a brilliant sunny morning. Knowing that there were Humpback Whales close to Garður the evening before, we wanted to check this area again. On the way out we spotted only once a dorsal fin but we couldn't find it again, so we decided to head on. When we arrived in the area, we wanted to go to, we spotted after a long search one Humpback Whale. As there was a lot of swell and the Whale didn't surfaced very often, it was difficult to spot it. So we decided to give complimentary tickets to everyone on board to get the chance to have a better look at the Whales a second time. We ended the tour in Sandgerði, as we were sailing so far out in the hope to find good Whales.