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Friday, 13 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafúlan: After this amazing morning we had high hopes when sailing out into Faxaflói Bay in brilliant weather. Already on our way out we found a pod of Harbour Porpoises, as usually they were quite shy and surfaced just a few times. Just a bit further out we encountered the first fast travelling Minke Whale on this tour, we stopped shortly to head out further into the bay. Just a few minutes later the next Minke Whale showed up and we had a quick look at it. But knowing about the Humpbacks we headed on to reach them before the end of the tour. And this was definitely the right aim, because we found not only one Humpback, we ended in a spot with two Humpbacks and two more Minke Whales at the same time. There were at least two more blows of other Humpbacks further out but as those two we stayed with were really great, there was no need to search longer. Once one of them suddenly surfaced so close to the boat that he scared us all a bit with his amazing loud blow!!! After trying to leave this area several times until we really had to head back towards Reykjavík, we had to stop three more times for three Minke Whales, that crossed our way. A brilliant Day in a calm bay with beautiful weather and A LOT OF WHALES!!!


Tour at 9:00

Report from Elding: Starting the day in Reykjavík we headed quite far out into the bay until we spotted the first Minke Whale of the day. As this one was travelling really fast we didn't wanted to spend too much time waiting for it surfacing again. Just a short time after that we ended in an area with thousands of Seabirds, so we knew that there must be some Whales around. We basically just had two wait and to see what's going to happen. And it was the best place to be, we had two Humpback Whales around us surfacing again and again. We decided to concentrate on one of them, which first seemed to be a bit shy until the Humpback Whale suddenly jumped just in front of our boat!!! WOW!!! Not more than 5 to 10 m away from us was the hole body of this giant Whale in the air!!! This was for sure one of the most magic moments to experience in the Marine Life. What a great tour, what a giant Whale! An unforgettable in Faxaflói Bay day for all of us.

Report from Hafúlan: Another beautiful day out in Faxaflói Bay. Blue Skies, calm seas and once again great visibility. We headed to our favourite place and again we weren't disappointed. Some of the crew saw a couple of Minke Whales on the way but they were really elusive. We saw thousands of Kittiwakes and Fulmars before we saw the big blows from the Humpback Whales. Once in the area we really didn't have to move far as we had at least 3 in the area we were in. There was one that we paid particular attention too as it surfaced many times, showed it beautiful tail when diving and surfaced just meters from the boat. We are so happy to be blessed with these whales and hope it will never end.