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Saturday, 14 April 2012

Tour at 13:00

Report from Hafúlan: Knowing about the sightings in the morning we headed straight back into the same area. The sea condition was still great but we had a little bit of rain in the beginning of the tour. But who cares about a bit of rain after such an unforgettable day!!! On our way out into the bay we had a short look at a pod of Harbour Porpoises and some Minke Whales as well. Then a bit further out in the bay we found several Humpback Whales again and one of them was JUMPING, but not once like on the day before it was at least four times this Humpback was jumping in a row!!! What a power and great sighting, for sure an unforgettable moment for everyone on board. After this great show we stayed for quite some time in the same area and there seemed to be so many Humpbacks and Minke Whales around, that it was hard to decide to choose where to look. As every time on such a great day we had to head back towards Reykjavík, even it was hard to leave the Whales. On the way back we spotted even more Minke Whales travelling through Faxaflói Bay. Just a great day for all of us!!!

Report from Elding: We headed to our favourite place still full of Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, Harbour Porpoises and thousands of Kittiwakes and Fulmars. We even got to see flocks of geese flying past in their V formation on the way out which I always love to see. The Humpbacks were a little difficult to get close too as they were only surfacing once or twice before going on a deep long dive but whilst doing so they would bring up their lovely beautiful fluke (fluke). We saw that a couple of Humpbacks Whales were getting a bit crowded with boat so we tried to find our own but then we heard that they had a breaching Humpback Whale (Damn our luck). They one we were following was being quite difficult so we went further offshore. The sea was getting calmer and the Minke Whales started to show up and then suddenly a Humpback which was really close just 30 meters from us and brought up it beautiful tail. Such a perfect day at sea.


Tour at 9:00

A calm bay and excellent weather during the whole tour were the perfect circumstances for Whale Watching today. It didn't took us long, until the first Minke Whales and Harbour Porpoises showed up on our way out. As we had good sightings of Humpback Whales in an area further out in Faxaflói Bay we decided not to stay too long with those amazing Minke Cetaceans on the way out. And it was the best decision we could made, because we found the Humpback Whales again, even more Minke Whales and Harbour Porpoises surrounded by thousands of birds. It was great to be a visitor in this beautiful scenery, so great that we would loved to stay there the whole day long.